Snow. That means this Tour is now into it's third season of the year.

How quickly I return to peaceful, autumn streets.

But you could bowl down the main streets of Kelowna tonight. What can I say? A very quiet night. The staff at the Minstrel Cafe are great. They feed me well, provide conversation and hospitality. Yet we are all glad to see the end of the night roll around. It's like that when you are working, and not making money. I head across town to check out some other rooms.
Everybody is empty tonight. I think perhaps it's a hangover from having the West Coast Music Awards here last week. People are just beat from the party. Oh, well. Next time. Kelowna is usually a good music town, with a real appreciation for blues and roots music. Still, it's a whole lot of driving, gas, hours spent setting up, braking down, booking, shipping posters, doing press releases, eating roadside food, sitting in an idling car in a Starbucks parking lot. That's the chance you take— but you can't lose too often. How many weeks of days like this are between me and my Lincoln, and the guy with the shopping cart collecting bottles behind the club? I go back to my little motel out on the strip. Early start in the morning, so I need to hit the pillow.
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